Kosher in the Marin County Area (we do not take responsibility for the Kashrut of these locaions.)

These stores carry many Kosher Products:
Mollie Stone’s 270 Bon Air Shopping Center Greenbrae, CA 94904 415.461.1164
Scotty’s Market: 620 Freitas Pkwy, San Rafael CA 94903 Phone: (415) 479-2363
Trader Joes: (carries kosher chicken) 337 3rd St, San Rafael, CA - (415) 454-9530‎
Kosher Stores outside of Marin:
Oakland: Oakland Kosher Foods Inc:
They will make prepared meals for you!‎  
3419 Lakeshore Ave, Oakland, CA - (510) 839-0177
Frena Bakery 
132 6th St, San Francisco, CA 94103 
San Francisco:
Sabra’s Restaurant - 419 Grant Ave, San Francisco, CA - (415) 982-3656‎
Palo Alto:
Izzy’s Bagels